Hi, my name is Zeferino Torres
I'm a Software Enginner.

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About me

I am a Software Engineer with +5 years of experience in desktop and web application development.

My current language is JavaScript though I'm skilled with HTML and CSS as well. I have worked on the Front-end and Back-end using technologies like ReactJs, Redux, Sass, Figma, NodeJs, Express, Postgresql, Aws, MongoDB, Git, Python, Java.

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Pokemon - Frontend

Pokemon App is an application where you can see all the existing pokemons, you can perform searches and you can review in detail what are the main features of a Pokémon. It has a detail view of each pokemon and Pagination.


ReactJs Redux Sass

Search Github - Frontend

Develop an application that uses the Github API for searching users and repositories and showing the results in a nice way. The application must have at least 2 routes: user search and repositories search with the corresponding navigation. These routes must have a search bar and the search results must appear on the same page.


ReactJs Redux Css

Todo App - FullStack

Todo App is an application that shows all your tasks and you can create new tasks, update the status of a task and delete a task. Includes a detail view of each task


ReactJs Redux Sass MongoDB JWT NodeJs

Eda App - FullStack

I developed this project during the FullStack JS course with Mongo + Express + React + NodeJs. It is a collaborative work platform for data science teams.


ReactJs MongoDB CSS NodeJs Firebase



Design of a dashboard to show the predictions generated by the AI ​​and Data Science team, in graphs and tables. Designed in figma, using the Atomic Design methodology.

Design tools


Github search

Responsive Design of an application that uses the Github API for searching users and repositories and showing the results in a nice way.

Design tools


Check tax - dashboard

Design of a dashboard to show the predictions generated by the AI ​​and Data Science team, in graphs and tables. Designed in figma, light view.

Design tools



Let me know with what I can help you with!
